Litteratur om Suserup Skov
Herunder er samlet forskellig litteratur om Suserup Skov, som forskningsrapporter, artikler mv.
Morten Christensen, Jens Emborg, Anders Busse Nielsen
The forest cycle of Suserup Skov – revisited and revised
Morten Christensen, Katrine Hahn m.fl.
Dead wood in European beech (Fagus sylvatica) forest reserves
Jens Emborg
Interactions between Vegetation and Soil in a Near-natural Temperate Deciduous Forest
Jens Emborg, Morten Christensen, Jacob Heilmann-Clausen
The structure of Suserup Skov, a near-natural temperate deciduous forest in Denmark
Jens Emborg, Katrine Hahn
Naturskoven som inspiration for skovdyrkningen
Jens Emborg, Jacob Heilmann-Clausen
The structure of Suserup Skov, 2002. The first re-measurement of a long-term permanent plot study of forest dynamics started in 1992
Jens Emborg, Morten Christensen, Jacob Heilmann-Clausen
The structural dynamics of Suserup Skov, a near-natural temperate deciduous forest in Denmark
Bo Fritzbøger, Jens Emborg
Landscape History of the Deciduous Forest Suserup Skov, Denmark, before 1925
Shaaban Ghalandarayeshi, Thomas Nord-Larsen, Vivian Kvist Johannsen, Jørgen Bo Larsen
Spatial patterns of tree species in Suserup Skov - a semi-natural forest in Denmark
Jacob Heilmann-Clausen
A gradient analysis of communities of macrofungi and slime moulds on decaying beech logs
Jacob Heilmann-Clausen
Communities of wood-inhabiting bryophytes and fungi on dead beech logs in Europe – reflecting substrate quality or shaped by climate and forest conditions?
Jacob Heilmann-Clausen, Richard H. W. Bradshaw, Jens Emborg m.fl.
The history and present conditions of Suserup Skov – a nemoral, deciduous forest reserve in a cultural landscape
Jacob Heilmann-Clausen, Morten Christensen
Does size matter? - On the importance of various dead wood fractions for fungal diversity in Danish beech forests
Jacob Heilmann-Clausen, Morten Christensen
Fungal diversity on decaying beech logs
Jacob Heilmann-Clausen, Morten Christensen
Wood-inhabiting macrofungi in Danish beech-forests
J. Bo Larsen, Kathrine Hahn, Jens Emborg
Forest reserve studies as inspiration for sustainable forest management – Lessons learned from Suserup Skov in Denmark
Ole Martin
Smældere (Coleoptera, Elateridae) fra gammel løvskov i Danmark
Thomas Nord-Larsen, Lars Vesterdal, Niclas Scott Bentsen, Jørgen Bo Larsen
Ecosystem carbon stocks and their temporal resilience in a semi-natural beech-dominated forest
P. Ódor, Klaas van Dort, Erik Aude m.fl.
Diversity and composition of dead wood inhabiting bryophyte communities in European beech forests
P. Ódor, Jacob Heilmann-Clausen, M. Christensen m.fl.
Diversity of dead wood inhabiting fungi and bryophytes in semi-natural beech forests in Europe
Lars Vesterdal
Soil carbon stocks in Suserup Forest
Lars Vesterdal, Morten Christensen
The Carbon Pools in a Danish Semi-Natural Forest
Anders Walther Hansen
Skov - og en ganske særlig skov
Niels Ahlefeldt Hansen, Louis A. Hansen
En artsoversigt fra Suserup Laboratoriet, perioden 1976-1995
Julie Harboe Brønnum
Naturtilstanden i et udvalgt skovområde i Svanninge Bjerge sammenlignet med er referenceområde belyst ved forekomsten af biller
Danmarks Naturskove - Rapport fra symposium på Aarhus Universitet d. 28. marts 1992
Jon Feilberg
Skovvegetation i Tystrup-Bavelse området
K. Hahn, M. Christensen
Dead Wood in European Forest Reserves – A Reference for Forest Management
Helle S. Hellesten, Rikke Margrethe Closter, Camilla Wamberg
Fungaen på egestammer i tre nedbrydningsstadier
Julia Seeber
Soil biodiversity in near-natural, protected forests - mid-term report
Songqing Wang
Investigating Nitrate Leaching in Old-growth Forests
Yue Zheng
Investigation of nitrogen leaching in managed and unmanaged forests - Master Thesis
Suserup Skov 1992 - feltstationsrapport
Jens Emborg
Suserupmødet 1993
Jens Emborg, Katrine Hann, Morten Christensen
Urørt skov i Danmark - status for forskning og forvaltning
Flora & Fauna - temanummer om biologisk mangfoldighed i naturskov
(temanummeret indeholder flere artikler, der omtaler Suserup Skov)
Katrine Hahn, Jens Emborg
Suserup Skov - Structures and processes in a temperate, deciduous forest reserve
(kan lånes på danske biblioteker)
Miljø- og Energiministeriet, Skov og Naturstyrelsen
Projekt Bynatur - 1997
Anna Mærsk Møller
Helhedsplan for Kongskildeområdet
Børge Rasmussen
Et liv i skoven
Karsten Raulund-Rasmusssen
Suserup Skov - Soil Sampling - Indication of Impact
Flemming Rune
Biodiversitet i dyrket skov
Ansøgning til Suserup udvalget - 9.december 2014
J. E. Bruun
Notat om Suserup Skov
Erik Dahl
The impact of Ash dieback on Fraxinus excelsior and associated biodiversity
Foto - Sarouws Minde – Suserup Lystskov
Jørgen Bo Larsen
Suserup Forest - 20 years of research